T-Bird's Guide to Life

This is T's space to share her passions and bring her stories to life. All posts are by T unless otherwise marked.

Friday, October 27, 2017

My Summer

Hey guys! So...it's been awhile. Like, my whole entire summer! And it's been a pretty crazy summer, which is why I haven't posted anything for a couple months. So I decided just to talk about camp and the beach a little, and then get right into what's happening in my life right now.

Mystic Mountain Training Center
Three whole weeks...a spiritually rich family of super close teens...this was one wild ride! There's no way to write about everything that happened at camp. There's simply too many funny moments and crazy experiences. But the way me and this group of teens bonded together in those three short weeks...I have never experienced that kind of friendship anywhere else. Although I already knew some of the counselors from many previous years of being a camper, there were a lot people I only met at the first training in January. And in it and the April training, we were all told several times by older staff, that they had never seen so many knew staff  "gel' together so quickly. And that"s pretty cool. I cannot wait to be a counselor again next year at a place I love so much. It was so cool to be ministering to campers for the first time, instead of the other way around, which is how it had been for the last seven years. I hope to be part of Mystic Mountain year round for many years to come.

Outer Banks, North Carolina
I love the ocean! I could stay there forever if I didn't have a life I had to get back to. This year was a little more laid back. We didn't visit a dozen light houses, we didn't drive all over the place. We chilled out at the house and the beach more instead of doing a bunch of sight-seeing. We've seen most of the attractions in our area anyway. We did go to the aquarium again though. I love just sitting by one of the floor to wall tanks and basking in the wavering blue light as the fish swim calmly over head. It's an extremely relaxing atmosphere and another place I could stay forever. All in all, it was an awesome week. Dad has talked about maybe in the future staying for two weeks, which means twice as much beach time! Someday I would love to live out there, but I shall have to content myself with once a year for now. :) 

Well as much as I want to talk more about my summer there's too much happening in the present to talk about the past. This fall is going to be (and already is) crazy!

                                                                That's all for now,